Time Control

Payroll for a Winning Team | Castellers in Catalonia

Old-fashioned regulations

Whether we like it or not, Spanish law requires that employees of all companies have to clock in and out on a daily base and that records of hours worked are kept for 4 years.

We don’t think that’s very 2020.

Newfangled solution

To overcome such an old-fashioned obligation, we offer our customers an online tool that allows employees to register the beginning and end of their working day very simply via their computer, mobile phone, fingerprint or even facial recognition.

The same software is also very powerful and is, let’s pull out a nice marketing term, customer friendly for the administration of holidays (request, approval, setting up automatic conditions), the registration of absenteeism and the administration of overtime.

We have all the details written out here.

And we do think that’s very 2020.

Can we help you?

Euro Economics is a specialist in Payroll related matters in Spain.

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